Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook are all down | Twitter flooded with Memes

 Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook are all down 

Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook
Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook are all down

According to the report published in CNN Business,  Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp all suffered outages midday Monday, according to public statements from the three Facebook services.

The most common problems faced with these social media platforms (Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Messenger) when it goes down, will normally be related to the app's server connection, sending and receiving of messages/photos/documents, and with millions of users around the world keeping in contact with friends and family on a daily occurrence using their Android, Windows or Apple devices, It can be easily imagined that people can feel frustrated.

Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp took to Twitter to release a statement regarding the outage. 

Netizens react with hilarious memes on Twitter as Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp face

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